ailee pipped this morning!!

Good news...... just try putting her with mom.... or a heating lamp is very helpful... please!!!! Just for your girls not to get sad if she dies :(
i tried putting her back in and i got the crap pecked out of my hand, the chick got pecked twice and i pulled it back out. shes now back in her box in the house with a lamp on her. the box is about 93 degrees where shes laying. we turned the ac and fan off the the rest of the house which sucks for us but it it helps the chick then so be it lol
oh and i got my back up plan set already. i called a local breeder and asked her about any black/white chicks and she said she had about a dozen who are the same age ish as mine so i have a plan if something happens lol
Hahaha... great.... no worries you can switch on the ac and fans just let the lamp be closer to get the temperature at 95 f... it's soo easy.... only make ot closer for the chick .... or put his box in a room that no air conditionings are available nor fans... that males everything easier for all of you and the little one... the basement maybe....
Pics are a must.... did the chicken peck the baby while he's in you hands or when he's under her or near her... updates with pics are a must ;)
pecked the chick after she was out of my hand. i set her just inside the box and she pecked the chick and when i went to putt the chick back out i put my hand between her and the chick and it got me pecked. shes resting in her box again. im thinking about putting her in the oldest daughters room since shes not home tnight and we can turn all her ac and fan off
she made it through the night! shes super fluffy now but still not walking. shes scooting across her box though. i held her on her back so she would kick and both legs seem fine she just seems lazy lol
this morning before i went to work

when i walked in from work she was asleep and i asked my husband how long she had been asleep he said about 20 minutes but as soon as i spoke she perked up and started cheeping looking for me. i was like aweeeeee
Great soo cute... she didn't walk now as she's went through an abnormal hatching she will tomorrow or aftrr it... just put food and a bit of shallow water next to her... and make sure shes eating on it's own.... and drink. .. teach her by pechink on the food with your finger and on water... keep us updated ;)
we took some chick feed and crunched it up small for her and she has a jelly lid with marbles in it for water so she dosent drown. she has been pecking at the feed a little at a time. i think shes just tired easily

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