Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

Kassan is absolutely beautiful! I can't wait till you capture that little bunny nudge he kept
doing to her...He has such a personality. If he's anything like his Mamma, you'll have many years of happiness!~

Thank you for visiting today!
Deb, nice to see you here! Do you still have hubby at home? Joe comes home on Wednesday, for two weeks this time!!

I spent most of the day working on the new run. When you have to plan your day around breakfast, lunch, naptime and dinner, things don't get done real fast.
I met Jim today too and he is so nice!
I think that Iceman will split time inside and out... Everyone here likes to hang with him so he spent quite a bit of time inside today already.

And thank you for the kind words, on behalf of my daughter, the helicopter pilot!
Deb, how long do they live? I did forget to ask.
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Hi Aimee,

Yep hubby is home till Monday then gone again for two weeks. Now that the concrete is poured
for the addition it's a little easier to take a minute to say howdy!
You should come out, I'll be parting
with a few extra bunnies here in about two weeks....I'll have

3 steel grey babes
1 white doe, icemans sister
3 black (one might be spoken for, a wink for Donna)
the rest are all Sandy
Then I'm considering placing Ellie (who has all her legs for her CH) and Ice ( who has two legs, only needs one more)

Donna, indoor bunnies have been known to live longer than outside buns...but average age could be around 6 for outside, inside 8-10 or there abouts. Of course there
are many variables. Rabbits don't tell you they are sick and sometimes you'll never even know they are until it's too late. Watch their stools, eyes, sneezing etc.....those
are some of the major signs of illness. I know how each of my bunnies acts, so if someone is down and not bouncing around when I go outside I know they aren't feeling
well. I'm glad you have Iceman, he couldn't have gone to a better home!

Here is a wonderful website that has many articles on it....
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Thanks Deb.. That clinches it pretty much, so at least for the winter, he'll spend a lot of time inside
I loved that story Jim told of the girl and her 2 bunnies.
It is becoming apparent Iceman thinks he'd make a great lap bunny!

(and I am fairly sure he will have a pal by the time it's over!
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Funny how that worked out isn't it!
Kaasan really likes the black ones and just asked me about the possibilities of having 2, so I think you can consider one black spoken for! Probaby a male unless you have some ideas about it for us.

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