Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

I can imagine it wasn't fun!

Deb did you see the Flemish Giant Liquidation on CL?

My husband loves me, he really does. If I said I wanted a rabbit, he wouldn't say no. He wouldn't really want a rabbit, but he wouldn't say no. After getting the goats this spring, and him building them their awesome home, I don't want to push it with the rabbit thing.
i want milk goats but my parents wouldnt let me problably.unless i bought the material and built the house for them bought them and the food and all that and i am not a carpentor nor do i have money but oh well i will just have to wait till i get my own home
Well we did a short introduction today of the BLRW to the flock
Threw out scratch and bread to divert the attention and then opened their pen... once the bread and scratch was gone Chili and Salsa were fair game!! Dang mean ole birds...LOL They all took turns chasing and pecking on their backs, in about 2 minutes they were right back in the kennel and I shut the door. I've done this twice now.... how long is it gonna be before they're NICE????
I don't know, they might be better off hanging out with the little ones, (meat bird brooder) and then introducing all those when the EEs, barred rock, etc get big enough. Then they would at least have a "flock" of their own. The problen with that is, I don't know if the BLRW would be mean to the little ones or not.
I agree and some of the little ones are REALLY little right now. Hmm... I need to check and see if any of my 5 week old roos might be able to go in with them... maybe put two in the the BLRW in the kennel.... Then when they're let out there'd be FOUR to chase.


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Yep I knew before anyone else. That's my partner in crime when it comes to Flemish. She was the first one to introduce them to the state and
I latched onto her shirt tail about 7 years ago. I already had my picks who are here now, hence my herd reduction in certain colors

Donna, I'll save you a black, you just let me know what sex......You guys know which one I like, is that they one Kaasan wants?

Just a friendly reminder to you guys, remember to quarantine your birds before you introduce them to ANY of your flock.....It doesn't matter
what age they are. I'm so careful and here I am fighting lice!~ I guess it could be much worse since this is easily treated but it only
takes one sick little one to wipe out your whole flock.......
Well remember, Aimee got them from Triple D....(grin)...Not knocking them one bit, but you just never know. Heck, I'd even quarantine anything
that came from my house, mine have different bugs than yours.....
(being silly)

When I introduce them I always do it in the evening...when its really dark. Some have said that doesn't work for them but I have never had a
problem. They wake up and look at the new bird like "Oh hi, where did you come from?"......My last introduction went really smooth after a day
of them all free ranging in the same area they just happened to all end up in the same coop when it came to bed time, no problems at all....which left my husband and
I scratching our heads..

Just call me germ girl. I am so paranoid when it comes to all the birds.
Well here's to hoping we have compatible bugs!
Cuz too late now!

Ok so how does one introduce in the SUMMER here in Alaska...
LMAO!! I go and see them around 9-10pm and it's still light and they're still awake and scratching around. I'd have to..... hmmm.... put them in the coop at midnite and get up at 4am to check and make sure they were ok...
I don't get enough sleep as it is... *sigh* I wouldn't have the problem staying up late as we usually are, but the morning thing....

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