Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

Donna it sure did! I have a couple of other "black" Norman boys who are about 4-5 weeks old. I'm not throwing them out least not yet!
I wouldn't either! They could be really nice! Mr. Mondo is beautiful by the way and the color has toned down a bit. Just the opposite of your guys! I'll have to get a picture.
Me too... That's good stuff for people as well ..

I've still been using the vitamin/electrolytes in everyone's water, should I switch to ACV at a certain age?
Waiting 4-6 months to see how they turn out is worth it, eh?
See, now I need to show you what the other boys look like here. I have one pretty pullet that looks like she's all black so far... but I need to give her 3 more months.
Update on RooRoo.
He is still wobbly. Very Wobbly.
I scrambled up some eggs for him, and he gorged himself on them, although it looks as if there is some brain damage (or something), as he is holding his head kind of sideways and stretches his neck out to reach for food, he seems shaky and unsure of himself, sometimes missing the piece of egg and grabbing the blanket he is on instead. You could see how incredibly hungry he was. He was snatching the egg as fast as he could. He seems to be a fighter, and doesn't seem to want to give up. I added Vitamins, to his water, and sugar. I am leaving to go to the feed store in an hour. He seems to want to be held, and snuggles against me and falls asleep as soon as I pick him up.
Would any of you ladies like to go on a road trip next weekend? or sometime during the week? I think traffic might
be a lot better during the week but I'm flexible....I would like to go visit Tori, I just can't stay awake that long on my own!

I have room for 4 in my pickup.....
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Ok. Just talked with a Vet at Ravenwood. (She was Very helpful!)
I told her about the symptoms, and the "Drunk-Like" behavior, not being able to stand upright, falling over, not being able to focus, and she said she can not guarantee without an exam and blood-work, but it sounds like "Mold Intoxication". She said it has been very damp lately, and they could have gotten into something moldy, and eaten it, and made them sick.
Which is Very, VERY possible, seeing as their coop is next to the woods, and there is a pile of very old leaves, and grass, and wood-chips back there that I have seen them digging in.

The Upside is, if he has not gotten any worse, as long as he gets healthy foods, it should pass, and he should get over it.
She did say some do not recover, but if he is eating and drinking, it is a good sign.
So for now, he is warm inside the house, wrapped in a blanket, and eating scrambled eggs at will.
*** Keep Your Fingers & Toes Crossed For Him ***

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