Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

Back yard.... (at night)

Front yard... winter...

Just up the road...
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Beautiful photos of your area as well! Just a different type of beauty I think you should move to Alaska! lol......

WW beautiful shots!

debiraymond, I was just wondering. We are supposed to go visit some friends down there this fall.....Seems like
everyone else I have met on the internet lives way south of them...
was looking through some of my notes today. A person can process up to 1000 of their own birds before worrying about USDA guidelines as long as they are processed in a hygenic safe manner. Over 1000 a year or if you buy birds from others to process for resale you would need to file for an exemption. You can get an exemption for processing up to 20000 birds a year. With the under 1000 birds per year exclusion you can sell your birds at roadside stands, farmers markets and private parties, hotels and reasturants but not to supermarkets for resale.
Of course things may have changed since I last looked into it.
We are having a plucker party this Saturday for anyone interested. Bring your own birds, beer and cooler for meat. We supply the scalder, plucker, and work tables. We charge $2 a chicken, $5 a turkey if you help. Price goes up if you drop off live birds and run.
OMG I have a REALLY funny story of a fellow member that lives in some other country and went to Egypt to pick up hatching eggs. She clutched them to her chest, refused to let them be xrayed, basically caused a BIG ruckus at the airport, finally got through and held them so tight they could possibly jiggle. Got home, put them in the bator and freaked about them hatching the entire time. That was areally funny thread.

100% hatch.
"Drop off and run" Hey now there's an idea for next year! Drop by to visit T & J.....drop off my birds, just be sure to do
it during dip netting. Go dip netting....come back, pick up birds! WALLA!
Thanks. In my opinion, nothing compares to the beauty of remote areas of wilderness, no matter where it is. Google BIg Bear Mountain, CA - I live 45 minutes at the bottom of the hill. I could happily move there and just gaze for the rest of my life.

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