Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

Ok, I need help with Gender Clarification of the BCM's I have.
I need to weed out the Roos.

The first 2 pictures are of a Roo who hatched May 28th.
He is crowing, and mating with Rusty's hens (which causes him to be beaten on by the Head-Honcho quite a lot!) LOL



The photos below are of chickens that are the Exact same age as the rooster above, they all hatched at the same time. (With the exception of the smaller one with no comb). That one is fathered by Rusty, but the mom is a RIR, and has no comb at all, and that one is quite a bit younger.
Can anyone tell me if these guys are Roos?
Or if there is any possibility of them being hens? (I Mean Pullets)






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Paula, handsome birds all!! Can't help ya tho!

Ya know everyone, we are all assuming that this chick is a Mahogany Orloff. When I got the last batch of eggs he told me he had to complete the order with two Spangled.... be my luck.........

And sad to say that the other egg YUKKY to say the least. Glad I didn't leave it and let it explode! Black icky stinky things in there!

So the bater is off and Stormy is having a blast in the brooder. Eating, drinking, playing possum, and sleeping on raccoon fur
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Spam is good! That's a pretty nice little chick. Some of them fluff faster than others, and if the humidity is down they go faster too. It should take 2-3 hours to fluff out most times I think. Hope he's a mahogany Roo, for your other girls? Or are you hoping for a pullet?
I just got back for my "half day" trip . We wound up in Anchorage...go figure.....
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Doesn't matter really, I'm going to need a roo, so it would be ok if this one was

Come by and see the lil fluffball!

I will. I planned to today, but you see how THAT went
At least we only have a coop to work on tomorrow....
Doesn't matter really, I'm going to need a roo, so it would be ok if this one was

Come by and see the lil fluffball!

I will. I planned to today, but you see how THAT went
At least we only have a coop to work on tomorrow....

LOL Yeah I can relate. Had to send Sam into town for chick feed as we forgot to get it before. So today was busy... hatch chick, bury dog, fix up brooder, trip to town, catch the loose pup, bathe the meaty... and all the regular chores
Glad this day is done!

I'll be there most of the day tomorrow, only plan on doing regular chores - gotta get to sewing fur!

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