Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

Just about.
I start with it about 2/3 full, add just enough water to almost cover it, then rotate it a couple of times a day until it sprouts (dumping from one bucket to another to rotate the wet bottom barley to the top.) Usually takes about 3 days, but it expands as it sprouts, so by day 3 the bucket is pert near full.
On the Cayenne - good to hear that someone else has tried it too! Gonna get some next time we go in.

EHaus - let me know how yours come out too! I'm going to be writing down measurements and such if it comes out well. Take pics of it!

Tori - you just let it sprout in the bucket and then throw some to the chicks?

chickenbottom - Remember if you go to school in Anchorage that unless you get OUT of Anchorage, it's really not Alaska
Anarchy, I wish I had known you needed Costco and Mill and Feed stuff yesterday
my partner did a run in to Anchorage and stopped at both places. He goes into town at least 2 days a week, we would love to do some sort of coop thing!

I feel so bad I haven't been on for so long, so much has happened! It took me forever to read through everything I missed. I'm still in the more analog world and unfortunately don't get to the computer much. Also, we have been so busy with the trying to get our animals set for winter and all our barns insulated (only one to finish, yay!). And we butchered two of our domestic tom turkeys, that was a learning experience!

I know some of you have rabbits, I have some 4 week old kits that unfortunately cant nurse from their mama anymore. Our rabbit (who we were told was a buck) gave birth to these beautiful 4 kits on August 29th and must have bred with her hutch mate, the actual buck, again between the time of kindling and when I came out for the morning cuddles and feeding. When I found a nest of babies and found out he was actually a she, I immediately separated them, but Snuggles gave birth to 7
more kits. She is now back in the mama/baby box in the house and all 7 are doing well. I got some KMR and a couple of bottles to feed the four week olds, should I supplement mama's feed to make sure she's okay. I feel so bad for her, it breaks my heart that she had these litters so close, she is so sweet and her older four really take after her!
I made something like a flock block yesterday, it didn't have anything like raw egg in it. I didn't bake it, but I was going to make some more today, I'll definitely try this, thanks for posting the link!

I didn't know cayenne had so many good uses. I put ACV in their waterer. I was told it was a good supplement for deworming, vitamins and general well being. I think I'll try cayenne. You put it in with their feed? My ladies are still not laying, maybe this will give them a boost;).
I put about 1 tsp in each gallon container every other day in winter. (This figures out roughly the same as Tori say here) Occasionally I have added garlic for worms, which is something that (supposedly) works for people and I have added it to horse food also.

Chickenbottom, welcome to our world! Like Bonnie says, get out of town as much as you can! I only lived in Anchorage once for 6 months and it was not fun in winter. Cool thing is, the real world isn't far away!

B Mom, I first tried cayenne for the same reason. Some of the girls wouldn't start laying, and that did work. It does seem to keep them going better in winter, and I have always liked natural remedies anyway so it was worth a try. How long gave you been on Lazy. I lived back that way years ago.
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