Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

S'okay by me! I just want to know who to tell. I will park by the side where the Coffee Shop emergency exit ( and outside pharmacy pickup ) is at so I can be seen.
( I know you aren't coming Bonnie. I'll be at your place when the dust has settled!)
LOL! I'm just glad it's going to work out. Hopefully everything goes smoothly.
Ok so I was wondering who was the really nice person that was bringing my chickens. If I was reading this right there are two of you that are going down to get them? And where should I meat you. I live in Eagle River so I don,t mind driving to anchorage or palmer if I need to.
Carmen (Bird-Brain) and her friend Tracy are getting the birds to Anchorage? And Donna, you're the Anchorage-Chickaloon leg?
Is that my understanding?
Hi all,
just wanted to know if anyone here is interested in that BCM roo I posted a pic of a while ago. I've packed him around, and done everything I could do, but today he drew blood in my daughter. She went in to get eggs for me and he pecked a hole in the back of her leg.
She isn't big enough to be dominant over him.

I just wanted to ask here first.
Well. As we are going to be moving to the other cabin in the spring I don't want to put a ton of effort into building something extra for the chickens to winter the extra population over for the winter. So, I did some walking around the trailer and decided that I'm just going to completely empty the smaller bedroom of everything and put chickens in there.

It's at least an 8x8 room, possible larger, so feasibly I have room for 40-45 chickens. I already have 33, and am getting 3 from Tori, so that's 36 plus the two newly hatched chicks. Thinking that the Orloffs, Sexlinks and Norwegians can bunk together until I get into the breeding aspect of it. Maybe put the EEs in there too. That will put the 14 breeding chickens in one room, and the rest in the larger coop. Can probably put the two BLRW banties in the bedroom too... We'll see what happens when I start moving them around and how they behave. Things can change

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