Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

Debi will be coming to the Kenai Peninsula if she moves up here. I need more chicken homies down here, stat.
Noooooooooooooo! You need to get your booty up here!
Debi, you won't like it on the KP, you'll want to live up here where we have better weather and the scenery is better...not to
mention all the NORMAL folks live up here.....Tori and Jer will follow

Kidding of course. You can't go wrong moving to Alaska, anywhere you go you'd be happy. Just remember, Anchorage is not Alaska......
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Ooh SNAP!! * LOL!! Nuh uh... it's nice down here, and the weather is nice. IT jobs can be found in Kenai and Soldotna, and there's NO TRAFFIC!!! bwahahahahahahaha!
IF we decide to move to AK, it will be remote. We are closet hermits. It would suit us just fine to not have neighbors closer than a mile and for shopping to need and ice chest for frozen goods.
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Ooh SNAP!! * LOL!! Nuh uh... it's nice down here, and the weather is nice. IT jobs can be found in Kenai and Soldotna, and there's NO TRAFFIC!!! bwahahahahahahaha!

Are you people fighting over me.

Folks I need someone to come up with a reason why I live in Alaska, why I will be living off-grid in the spring and why I am so FAR away from my family. The reasons I have given them for the past 10 years don't seem to sink in or work, so I'm throwing it out there for more answers.

My mom doesn't fly and they are both too old to make this trip by driving. So we only communicate on the phone. And with my sister on Facebook or email. My sis thinks that I moved here for reasons other than this was my dream and tho we ALL get along just fine on ALL other aspects, this one thing is a thorn... and I can't seem to sufficiently explain it to them.

Any ideas?

This is really the ONLY major stress I have in my life.....
Why, if it's not to avoid family? Maybe that's what they're thinking. Doesn't matter that it's GORGEOUS up here, crisp clear clean air, wonderful wildlife, GOD's country... and that every day you feel alive because you're actually LIVING, not just living in a little cardboard box in the city, eating food that's altered and processed and just icky... ?
Why would anyone NOT want to live here?

Oh yeah... if you don't like winter, you won't like it here.

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