Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

I"m pretty sure I will...
Have you asked them if they could live anywhere in the world they wanted, would they still be where they're at?
Or ask them why they don't move to Alaska, or Kansas? When they say I don't want to live there, ask them why they don't understand that about where you choose to live?
I forgot about that. Steve was involved with the discussions on how to stop the excessive "catch" by certain ethnic communities.
We're talking garbage bags full every weekend, excessive.
Oh I believe it, some of the ethnic groups up here have no self control when it comes to most of
the resources they are privileged to...but that's a who other issue that drives me nuts.

I sure hope I didn't make anyone mad by posting that. I really had no idea this existed until a couple of weeks ago
when I saw someone was cited. Then the conversation clicked the little light bulb that said maybe you guys would like to know too!
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Oooh, good to know. But it looks like Whittier isn't included, at least. Is there not much available there? I never really paid attention.

I wonder how long 10 lbs would last 20-30 birds.

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