Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

They did a good job!
I have a sick baby!!
My Polish mix that I hatched is pooping blood
The BCM was peeping REALLY REALLY loud so I went to see what was up and the Polish was just standing there... then he pooped a wad of blood
I have them separated now, vitamins in the water... out of yogurt

What else can I do?
Bonnie, post a photo, please? Bloody poo is likely a sign of Coccidiosis, which will require Sulmet or a sulfa-drug in the water. Donna might have some... ask her, if you don't have any. It's hard to come by up there. But it could be nothing but cecal poo, too, which is nothing to worry about.
Hang in there...
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Bonnie, post a photo, please? Bloody poo is likely a sign of Coccidiosis, which will require Sulmet or a sulfa-drug in the water. Donna might have some... ask her, if you don't have any. It's hard to come by up there. But it could be nothing but cecal poo, too, which is nothing to worry about.
Hang in there...

I'll get a pic... where would they get Coccidiosis from?​
Me too! I saw that and started drooling...I keep trying to remind myself to have patience! I should really wait 'til spring. Heck, I don't think I have a choice in that matter!

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