Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

Me too! I saw that and started drooling...I keep trying to remind myself to have patience! I should really wait 'til spring. Heck, I don't think I have a choice in that matter!

Hey, if it works for us to get them, maybe we could work something out...
It's not quite that dark in person... and I saw him poo... so if it's not blood it came outta the poo shoot.

How old?
Bonnie, I have some Sulmet if you don't have any! Keeping my fingers crossed for your babies.
Me too! I saw that and started drooling...I keep trying to remind myself to have patience! I should really wait 'til spring. Heck, I don't think I have a choice in that matter!

Hey, if it works for us to get them, maybe we could work something out...

I'm open to ideas. I also read somewhere that clabbered and extra milk is an EXCELLENT source of additional protein for chickens. I love farm yard synergy.
Hey, if it works for us to get them, maybe we could work something out...

I'm open to ideas. I also read somewhere that clabbered and extra milk is an EXCELLENT source of additional protein for chickens. I love farm yard synergy.

Not so good in the protein department, but it is good overall.
You have to be careful to feed it in small amounts, as it can throw them off laying. They will fill up on the milk, and not get enough protein as a result.

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