Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

Just though i would send un update. When I first got the three BCM's I was not to sure they where going to work out. I other four where being BIG bullies. The poor little guys where huddled in the corner of the coop. With the oldest acting like the momma and taking care of the two little ones. I gave them more feeders and waterers so that they could at least have one when my bullies where eating and not have to be picked on. I feed them there own treats after I feed my other girls so that they would get some. Well today when I went out there to check up on them all of the girls where hanging out in the yard. No fighting no fussing no hiding in the corner. When I through out there treet they all eat together.
I had to keep checking on them all day to see what they where doing but they would just give me that look like what. Its just so odd but hay it works for me now lets just hope it stays that way.
Hello all
I havent been on much since the spring, but I wanted to thank everyone for all the thoughts on saving my grandpa's cabin from the fires that came withing 1/4 of a mile of it, again thank you all so much it is such an important place to my family and self. Anywhos I hope everyones summer went well and fall was good you yall as well
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The bedroom coop is getting a skim and the nipple is frozen, the other coop is frozen solid, but the birds are fine. I am starting a new routine. Am going to gather the bottles at night and bring them in by the wood stove, then take them back out when I feed and gather eggs in the morning. The will learn to drink when the bottle is offered and there.

I thought about doing this, but I think the yard bunnies would be happier if they had SOMETHING out there other than the snow when they are most active. (Evenings and early mornings.)

I'm going to bite the bullet and get one of the big heated water buckets. I think having ready access to clean, warm water at all times will help the birds, too, since their coop is still less than cozy. I'm amazed at how well the rest of the flock is doing and I hope they keep it up.

An update on the frostbite babies...I think one of them is actually looking pretty good and I feel like she will likely pull through. I'm a bit less optimistic about the other one, but we will see. They are in intensive care in my washroom until further notice. Just didn't have the heart to cull them. Can't believe I'm suc a softie!
Bonnie, Thanks for the info. It looks like George has a good selection. So you don't have any vendors here in the state? These looked like they were from outside. The parka I am making is one of those native parkas with the cotton velvet shell and a hood with fur. What kind of fur should I use for ruff? My friend who has one of these has little claws hanging from the sides of the ruff. Any idea what critter used to wear those?

Paula, sounds like when it rains it pours. Sorry to hear what has been going on.
Most everything I get in state is by trading. People here just want WAY too much for their furs for me to make any money off them. As an example, I buy a wolverine for $400, then get it tanned for $50-70 and make a hat of out of it. You know anyone that will pay $470 for a hat? Not many. So I end up scrounging the rest of the scraps of fur to sell that and the claws and such and might make my money back. Just not worth it.

Ruffs are usually wolf or wolverine up here, sometimes coyote. I'd have to see pics to be sure on the claws.

George and Shelby are both in Washington state, and the least expensive that I've found, not to mention a good reputation.

I am so glad when it finally sets in for good!

Chickens are looking good.
Coop REEKS of fermented garlic though

Contemplating getting goats.
We will bring the insulated building over from the other property very soon.
It even has electric in it!
Paula, Did you hear back from the lady in Willow? If not, where are you getting goats and what kind? I would love to have some goats, but DH is not thrilled about it and would rather have 100 more chickens than deal with goats.

I love the snow too. Although I didn't like it so much as I was shoveling a path to the chickens and ducks. My DS shoveled a path to the shed. There are tons of accidents out there right now so I am going to take it slow as I go to vote.
Have not heard back from that contact.
There are other options though.

We would love to have our own dairy animals so that we can control the foods that are fed them.
The cow dairy does the best they can, but they are still fed a percentage of soy
and I want to get away from that completely.
There is one other family at our church that needs acces to soy free milk as well.
If we get goats, it is very possible that they will buy one of them, and then pay board and such for us to caretake it for them.

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