Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

K, I need to run.
Did the milk run this morning and I need to unload coolers before the members get here for their milk.
And make a potluck dish for tommorow, iron my jumper, wash, dry and put up my hair, and be out of here by 4:30 to get Steve from work.
Then back to Big Lake for the revival meetings.
Think I can get it all done?
Hey, I was curios if any of you know of any one who sells Americaunas in Alaska?

a little while back I picked up an Americauna Rooster (not sure if he is pure breed or not, he is solid black with a blue sheen to his feathers with a very light bit of orange speckles on his neck) but really like him. I think that he is now my favorite bird out of my flock now lol. I did some research on them and the more I read about them I am beginning to think I want to get some in a few months. Im not looking for full grown birds, chicks would be fine. The ones that caught my eye the most are the black style (dont know the name) and the blue wheatens really have caught my eye. Right now I am trying to find a reputable sourse (dont feel like paying for an Americauna and getting some EEs) and what they cost and when they will be available. Also I really think It would be cool to get some blue/green eggs in the mix too
I was thinking about getting 10-15 more birds when I do get some.

I figured this would be the best place to ask since its mostly Alaskans who are in this thread
From what I have found seems like the only places I can find on Google (and even though I dont know who to trust, I hear that there are alot of people out there selling EEs as Americaunas) are out of state.

My current chickens are now starting to lay and I am getting light brown eggs and had already decided I wanted to get some more chicks come Feb/march so I have them hopefully grown and laying by july/august or so. Not looking to buy atm but in a few months, just trying to do my homework now.

Any way
any imput would be appreciated. Also If I can get my hands on a camera and get a pic of Elvis ( my Black roo) would it be possible to tell if he would be considered pure bread or not by looking at it on BYC? Im just curios, even if he isnt I think he is really cool lol. Sorry if This is the wrong place to ask but I figured who would know better than other Alaskans.
Paula, I will buy some of your Kelp. I have just under 20 birds, though. I don't think I need much. What would you recommend for that number for the next 6 months? I am tentatively planning on ordering a LOT of chicks in the spring, but that's a ways off. Have you asked about the price of Kelp at Budget? I'm thinking Mike said it was just under $200 for a bag...probably not MUCH difference, though.

AllAlaskan, take a look at John Blehm has some of the best Ameraucanas in the country, regularly wins at nationals, etc. I am interested in getting a few each of the Lavenders, Buffs, and Buff Chanteclers, but really don't need an entire order of 25, and I could do without the Chanteclers. (Getting too much on my plate!) The birds are a little pricey, but they are the real deal and it seems like most breeders that have pure bred Ameraucanas only ship eggs, which I don't want to deal with.

Another possible option since you're interested in the blacks is Sand Hill Preservation. They have black birds, should be pure bred but I don't know how good a quality. Not sure there would end up being THAT much of a price difference, though. John's chicks are a buck more each, but his shipping is less than Sand Hill AND you have someone to split the order with.
Check with Tori (Mrs. AK- Bird - Brain) She has them but I don't know if she has any available right now. She will have later I think. You can PM her from this thread...
And she has a website link on here too..
Thanks Donna,
I actually have pulled them from the breeding program... ran out of room in the breeding house. I might spilt off a pair of blue wheatens, but we'll see in the spring.
Ok, if you do could you let me know please
I would rather buy locally then have them shipped if I can. I didnt know if any one up here even breed them.
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The Columbian Rock chicks are cheeping in the incubator, they are not due until the 9th!
I can hear them, though when I look I only see eggs, no pips or zips yet....

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