Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

The one that piped the wrong end didn't make it.

The other one is finally out and has been moving the eggs all around.

There is 1 pip
the other 6 I can see nothing going on.
humidity is low so added more water (syringe & small airhose) and covered 1 vent.

I sure hope the rest hatch today!
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Good luck Pandora! I'm sorry the backward baby didn't make it.

I do believe that you are the most addicted to hatching of this group.

Bonnie may not be far behind though...
What a fun thread, I was born/raised in Soldotna and Anchorage and I do miss the great state of AK. My husband still gets on me when I refer to the "other states" as the "lower 48!"
Have a great week, and KEEP WARM!
That hen died. So, that makes four hens over a period of 3-4 weeks that have died sounding like they had the croup/asthma.
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Its a chicken! Thank you though

We are not sentimental about them, BUT!!!!!! They are part of our growing farm, our food source, etc.
I am sentimental about all loss of life.

I still have chickens for food, so I don't let it stop me from eating.

Hatching News

2nd Columbian Rock is hatched, we have 6 more to go......
but so far I can't even see any pips

the first one has moved all the eggs, thermometers and humidity meters, so I am having trouble telling what is going on in there. lol
I'm sorry Paula.. I had hoped she'd come around..
Losses like this are so hard to take because one doesn't know why...
Pandora, any more pips?
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and now there are 3 harched and I can see 1 more that is piped!

They seem to like the back corner and have moved everything around, so I can't get a good picture.
So I will wait until later or tomorrow before I open the incubator. I will keep you posted!

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