Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!


Good luck Pandora! I'm sorry the backward baby didn't make it.

I do believe that you are the most addicted to hatching of this group.

Bonnie may not be far behind though...

I don't know I took August-October off from hatching......But I did alot of Jan 1 -July 9th.

I am getting turkeys tonight!
I can even keep them seperate from the chickens, because we have a double coop, and each side has its own large pen.

They will be locked up for the night and morning, so I can add some wire height around the fence.

I am so thrilled, because I cannot eat commercial turkey due to having Celiacs.

Sorry to hear about you hen, Paula, but glad that there's good news of new turkeys.

And congratulations on your babies, Pandora!

I've been so busy with non-chicken-related stuff around here.... I didn't get any eggs yesterday, but I did find a smooshed up eggshell with nothing in it on the coop floor yesterday morning. Now I'm extra vigilant about popping out there and checking. I don't want to harbor any egg-eaters! I may need to adjust the timer on the light in there. With the time change, it's now set at 4am to 8pm.
SO, we might have a lead on what is killing my hens!!
We got 2 round bales of old hay from a friend for deep litter this winter.
Ummm, its a bit moldy

I am cleaning out today, putting down leaves that we saved, and Steve is stopping at Popperts to get wood shavings.

The turkeys came from Miss Deb

They are 4 months old already, and one is big enough for Thanksgiving!
The other two, we will keep for breeding purposes.

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