Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

Turkeys are doing great. I kept them cooped alone untill yesterday around noon, then I clipped one wing, and let them in with the chickens.
The roosters were a bit taken aback ( one is a lover not a fighter, and the other is only slightly more of a fighter) and the hens stayed out of their way for about an hour, but now they are happy as can be!
I guess it was just wishful thinking on my part with the 4 eggs still in the incubator as there has been no change in them at all.

So this evening I will be checking them out, to see if I can figure out what happened and when.

I still have 4 very cute chicks out of my shipped eggs.
2 of them have yellow legs and 2 have pink legs
They make quite the entertainment center for now.
Congrats on your fuzzbutts Pandora, I bet they are fun!

I ordered the DE, I figured the extra few pounds would get taken up somewhere. Plus the order had to be in today. So I guess I'll be picking it up in a couple weeks! We can figure out everything later.
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Thank you for doing this.

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