Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

Somebody came through at last!
I have 2 blue girls from Deb in the coop tonight.. They look like they are doing fine Deb...Thanks again!
We had a sad day yesterday. Our dogs got into the shed where the Itty Biddies were living and killed them. Those were the two that I had gotten from Tori. Beautiful Blue and sweet Thori. My DH was devastated, because he let the dogs out without checking the chickens first. But I didn't latch the gate well enough.
ok so out of my 4 bcm chicks I think two are rosters and two are hens. I'm not the best at sexing them yet but the two have bigger head ridges then the other ones. One is way bigger and the other is smaller then the one i think is a roster but bigger then the other two that are there but way smaller. Oh and for the people that wanted to be informed I think Red (the one that had the red on her head) is a girl. She is one of the two that have all most no comb on her head yet. I have noticed that the two i think are rosters have been... well like play fighting... I would say fighting but no one is getting hurt and its not all the time so more like just testing each other. they are only 4 weeks old going though the ugly stage where there getting there feathers. I was wondering when I will have to move them to different pens so they don't kill each other. I have never had a roster before let alone two. I wonder how my girls will like having a guy around.
All so I was wondering if any one out there had quail. I have 34 of them and was wondering about prices to sell them. Im planing on keeping 10 of them. 1 male and 4 females of each color. and then putting the rest in the freezer but I don,t know if I really need 24 in the freezer at one time. I was thinking of selling some but don't know if it would be worth it. You know if the price is not more then the cost of food and everything els that went in to them. Anyway anyone els have quail and know what the going price for full grown quail is?
Ok, I need some Turkey cooking advice! Our bird for thanksgiving is 30 pounds this year. Someone told me that homegrown turkeys won't take as long to cook? Why not?
How do I keep the breast meat moist while the dark meat cooks? Should I lower the temp and cook longer or just stick with the traditional time and temp?
One chef on Food Network cut the lower half(dark meat) of the bird off and put it in the oven first, then later added the rest..

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