Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!



here is the 6 month old mutt roo i have that i am selling/giving away
Elizabeth, there are two raw milk co-ops here in Anchorage that getmilk from the same farm as Paula. We love it!! I think there is a gal over on your side of town that runs the other group. I end up going out for milk about every three months with our group as it is rather large. When you decide you want to join, we'll put you in touch with who you need to talk to.
I posted this on FB already but I dont have all of you on my Fb list yet so here its again

Anybody on here raise Nigerian dwarf goats? I a have been looking to get some the past few years and I have decided this spring is the time. They will be used in my 4-H group along with my kiddo to start his open show career
Anywhos any info on how to get on peoples lists would be great.

I have two ND girls that will kid next Feb. I also have a ND buck available. He is 4 yrs old. All are registered, very nice goats. Pics available.

Elizabeth, there are two raw milk co-ops here in Anchorage that getmilk from the same farm as Paula. We love it!! I think there is a gal over on your side of town that runs the other group. I end up going out for milk about every three months with our group as it is rather large. When you decide you want to join, we'll put you in touch with who you need to talk to.

Well thanks! Perhaps after the new year I'll have a better hold on the household finances. We're having to do a little juggling right now, and DH is better at that than I am!

My chickens are so happy. They're a joy to watch at their flock block.

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