Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

Congratulations on your new babies!
So, on Monday, we are getting 5 goats!
They are all open, though one is still too young to get bred.
They will be residing at a friends house from church to get bred by their buck.

Rather then scrambling to get our other barn over on our property, I went ahead and cleared out our greenhouse,
and removed the floor trays.
We will add a fence all around that corner of the property. Lots of suckers for them to chew on this winter in that spot.
Come spring we will get the other building moved here, and be already for babies!
Free to Good Home.

I am an outgoing, beautiful Black Copper Marans rooster named Norman. Many of you have seen my mom post about me over the last year or so bragging about how wonderful I am. Well apparently it's getting
too crowded around here and my mom debated on if I needed to go to the stew pot or not (bawk!). My dad is so wonderful, he said NO WAY will I be eaten! (I heard him say this from the coop!) Dad won out with the idea of placing me in a wonderful pet home where I can spoil
more girls. I am very handsome and I maintain my keep by keeping all my girls happy and protected. I don't have a mean bone in my body and just kinda go with the flow!~

If you are interested in me feel free to contact the mean old lady I call mom...or you can reach my dad on facebook as well!


By the way, Bonnie, Congratulations on your newest additions!!!
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Ok, I have done the best I can with what I have available on Blogger.
I still have to transfer information to the Pages from the sidebar.
Also need to figure out why my Pages element has the white patches on each side.
Tell me what you all think!

In other news, our chickens and turkeys are handling the cold just fine.
The added "foyer" really made a wonderful difference in drafts, while still allowing plenty of fresh air.

We are going to have to cull several older hens, as I am certain that more then a handfull of them are not going to get back on the laying circut.
So many have not even had one molt yet, even though they are two years old.
Salcking is allowed to an extent, but 6 months and no end in sight is not.

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