Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

Thanks IIF
Well that settles it, you ARE addicted!

Heehee!! The one I'm most interested in hatching is my EE/Polish cross... but as that was her first egg, I doubt it will hatch.
well for some reason my roosters decided to go crazy and fight i got three my houdan roo lost part of his comb,my mutt got a pucture in his wattle,and my other mutt roo doesnt have a know the one mutt is seperated know.the light in the big coop is off so they cant see eachother.they where fine for months and then tonight just went crazy i dont understand
.i have no idea what to do my dad is against killing but i am not maybe i can talk him into it.
would anyone want to take them for eating i will give them away ?

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