Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

I only go out to the farm once every 7 weeks. That will not change, as we will still get cream, and add milk in whenever the gots are dry. And I have 6 other families counting on use to keep this co-op intact.
We do not plan on keeping more then two for ourselves, and then a third for the other family if that works out properly.

Yes, we got the greenhouse all cleared out. For growing veges it was a money hole, so this is a much better use.
A marvelous Thanksgiving to you all... May every dish turn out and everyone you wish to see again be there!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. We have SO much to be thankful for!! I, for one, am very thankful that my daughter is cooking this year.
She is in there making pies right now. She called Grandma to find out how she cooks her turkey and is all stoked about doing this. Not bad for a 12 year old. Looks around for the puffed up with pride smiley.....
A happy Thanksgiving to all the friends here as well.
I was able to procure a bottle of mead, so now our dinner will be complete. Started cooking this afternoon, and DH is cleaning the kitchen now so I can sit and take a break. And I am THANKFUL for such a wonderful mate and partner!
A Happy Thanksgiving day to everyone but the Turkey
or Chicken or Pig or whatever it is we harvested for dinner this year! Remember, they had a better life than the one in the store!
Ok so I am so at a loss. I am raising my first batch of quail and have been told they don't start laying eggs tell they are 8 weeks old. Well on the first these guys will be 6 weeks and today I looked in there cage to make sure they had food and water. They go though it fast with 15 to 17 birds using it and well there was and egg.
I mean that is sooo cool but what is up with that. Is this normal? Do they start laying around 6 weeks not 8 week? I don't even have the guys and gals separated yet. I did not think they where that far along to need moving. There not fighting yet and I was thinking of butchering them at 6 weeks. Shoot I dont even know what one laid the egg. I think I would like to keep the early egg layer.
If you're talking coturnix, then yes... I've had eggs as early as 5 weeks, but usually 6-7 weeks. A 1 male:5-8 female ratio works best for fertile eggs. You might be able to tell which girl is laying by the condition of her vent, but it's hard.

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