Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

Good idea. Internal infections can cause it, among other things, but I've culled the two birds that I had that looked like that.
One had almost 2 cups of fluid in her abdomen.
But check with the ER section... someone might have some ideas.
today i see a small improvment he is making noises walking around,eating and drinking.and i thiink the fluid may have gone down just a tiny bit his poop looks normal.i thought he was just going to get steadly worse but i guess i was wrong at least for today i hope this continues
Okay so did our little local craft bazaar today and sold 73 eggs at $6 each
, along with $109 of handmade marshmallows and $387 of my alpaca merch
I think its time for a break
.... o wait I still have family to make them for dag nab it

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