Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

Depending on the flavor depends if I use sugar or honey, for my lighter flavored mallows I use sugar as all I have is wild AK honey and it is sooo much better in flavor than strore honey, as you all know. But wild fireweed honey marshmallows are
and sooooo good in your hot tea!!
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We're setting up our own drop point. It will be in Willow, but we can certainly work with a little distance.
Same reasons you cited.
When you get big, you get spendy
So I butcher three of my quail today. Well ok I watched and helped clean them after they where died. Im a big chicken lol. I not want to kill them though Im not really attached to them at all I just dont like the idea of killing them. I am going to have to tomarrow I dont think I can get away with having my dad kill them all by himself. But ya 3 down only 21 more to go.

If you are a farmer, big or small( even if you just have chickens) and are concerned about your food supply, and, if you sell farm goods
your presence is requested on the above forum.
Its brand new, and will go through a great deal of stretching and growing over the next few weeks.
Please join us as we network with each other and work to get Natural Farming in Alaska stronger!
I went to anchorage and when i got home i found out my dad had to put my little sick chicken down
i knew that was problably going to happen soon
.He said that the chicken stopped eating.

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