Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

Oh Im sorry
I told you on facebook already but still I am glad you are okay besides the brusing, I as well as many others know many who have not lived to tell the tale.
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I am having a proud moment. My son is apparently in the running for cute kid of the week award, which is cool as after the first day of voting he is 846 out of over 4000 entries. I guess voting is suppose to be happening through Dec. 19th. This is the link they sent me is

photo is from our big vacation that ended in Washington D.C. back in October, we found this great, old tree and up he went.

I am hoping he can show everyone that you don't have to be 2 to be cute, lol. He is at the awkard, almost 13 age and it is nice to see him think something is cool, though he can't figure out why anyone would think he is cute.
Wow! I'm so glad you were able to walk away from that with only scratches and bruises and a certain gritty feeling! Did the moose jump up and run away?
Wow! I'm so glad you were able to walk away from that with only scratches and bruises and a certain gritty feeling! Did the moose jump up and run away?

She made it to the other side of the road and collapsed.

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