Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

cool i really want to hatch but i cant unless i get a chicken coop for christmas fingers crossed
To hatch with a broody outside, I would wait till May.
Last year we did Feb. with them going out in late April I think.
Well, because we had a broody we could not break, after trying for 2 whole months, we now have 8 chicks with two more on their way

Its looking like a 100% hatch rate again!
Now I have to deal with chickens in the house for a long time
I can commiserate .....We now have a house chicken because the Russian Orloff was suffering in new company from separating issues and not eating properly. She's fine now but doesn't REALLY want to go back out....
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Bummer. we have had our first egg chick loss.
To date we have 100% hatches with our hens, which I found to be rather amazing to say the least.
Especially in winter!

This last egg finally zipped its shell, and a tiny airhole, and then just seemed to fade.
I did finally dampen the membrane, and then open it up.
I knew it was probably too late, but figured why not!
He looks fine, but is taking his last breaths as I type this.
I have him all cuddled up in a damp cloth in a heated wrap.

The good news is, I have 9 chicks bouncing all over the kennel, eating and drinking and snuggling with mama.
After the milk run tomorrow, we are gong to snag a few more bags of wood chips, and get them moved into the indoor coop.

Oh, and I have just finished making a real (gluten free) Christmas Pudding!!

Its a half hour or so later. The chick is still alive. He is now sitting in my bra
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I got my first chocolate egg today from my BCM's yaa!! I got one yesterday but it was not really chocolate it had a film over it but todays is really dark and lovely. will post a pic when i stop working every day sigh all most makes you hate the holiday season all most
Steve must love that!

Jeanette, we just started getting BCM eggs and they are SO lovely.
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he would do the same if he were me

I would prefer to do the oven treatment, but our oven is broke, so I have to improvise the old fashioned way.

Well, hubby wants to try hot buttered rum tonight.
I told him to make 1/4 sized portions though, as its not something I normally drink. I am a half a glass of Zinfandel kind of person.
We have to head out to the farm at 6am to get milk before the creamery does their early pickup, and I do not want any after affects.

This will be the first time getting back into a vehicle for me since the accident. Thinking I better trim my finger nails tonight.
If I stop for a minute to think, I can see the moose and feel it and the windshield exploding in my face

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