Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

Hi Carmen, haven't checked in here for a while. I was pretty sad about having to sell off my birds (well, gave them to a friend,) and needed a break from all things chicken.

I moved downtown for a job at the Anchorage Press and I'm loving life here, but miss the chickens! Now plotting and scheming on how I can get a few hens. It's going to make me sad to not have a rooster, but I'll take what I can get!

Fill me in on your Sandhill order. White Chanteclers, Dels, anything else? It's funny for me to think how hard it was for me to limit the breeds I wanted last fall when I still had a big farm, it's absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to choose now!
So, last summer I bought 10 RIR chicks.
As time passed, we were pretty certain that we had an even split, according to behaviors we saw, and the way our big roosters would spend time staring down 5 inch high chicks.
And all the chest bumping that went on amongst some of them.

They are now 7 months old, and narry a one of them looks like a boy. At all.
No big wattles or combs. No saddles.
Tails all have that nice V that hens have. One or two might have a curl starting, but its hard to say for sure.
They are hatchery quality, though several of them are excellent in coloring and shape.
And I don't think we are getting 10 RIR eggs, but I am going to really take a close look over the next day or two at the eggs to be sure.

If I have all hens that is great except for on thing.
I NEED a rooster!

Oh, and I do not have any pics of them at present.
your sig
The only fault of a dog, is the length of their life.

that is dead wrong
the only fault of a dog,is they look into your eyes and say ily plz take me home and we become suckers to dogs
your sig
The only fault of a dog, is the length of their life.

that is dead wrong
the only fault of a dog,is they look into your eyes and say ily plz take me home and we become suckers to dogs

That, IMHO, is not a fault of THEIRS

How about a nice, big Sexlink Roo?

I have a cochin roo already, but here in a month or so, I have to seperate out breeds.
Cochins and halfers on one side, and RIRs on the other.
My goal is to keep a cochin line for broodies and and RIR line for production.

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