Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!


NO! Those things are expensive!! lol
Hi Deb

I love these Dellies!! Thanks so much. Yes, I would most definitely like more of the same. I have 'tamed' one gal so far, loves to be stroked now. This line of yours is not aggressive and are great layers.
Well we have to give credit to a couple of different folks, if it wasn't for Tori when I lost my pullet way back when I wouldn't have had any Dellies!

If Rachel can't set you up with more. I have one other person I can contact to see if they still have Dellies, that has some of my chicks. I'd be happy to check for you!
Well we have to give credit to a couple of different folks, if it wasn't for Tori when I lost my pullet way back when I wouldn't have had any Dellies!

If Rachel can't set you up with more. I have one other person I can contact to see if they still have Dellies, that has some of my chicks. I'd be happy to check for you!

Awww, you're welcome.
I only have two girls left, and they're in my sexlink pen for now. But they're going on 2 years old, so I probably won't have them much longer.

Clouds are moving in down here, ladies and gentlemen... maybe some more snow coming in the next day or so?
How do the store bought potatoes cause blight?
I've planted them quite a few times, and they work well. I use the ones grown in Palmer by the Vanderweeles.

Its fine to plant local taters, but if they came from out of state, they have been sprayed to reduce sprouting ( does not work all that well) because they can be carriers of blight.
There was an outbreak a few years ago, and it was traced to out of state store bought taters that had been planted in local gardens.
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Well we have to give credit to a couple of different folks, if it wasn't for Tori when I lost my pullet way back when I wouldn't have had any Dellies!

If Rachel can't set you up with more. I have one other person I can contact to see if they still have Dellies, that has some of my chicks. I'd be happy to check for you!

Awww, you're welcome.
I only have two girls left, and they're in my sexlink pen for now. But they're going on 2 years old, so I probably won't have them much longer.

Clouds are moving in down here, ladies and gentlemen... maybe some more snow coming in the next day or so?

Clear and sunny here this morning!

Had a rush order for hat and mittens last night so have been working like a fiend on that all morning... almost done! Taking a coffee break!

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