Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

How do the store bought potatoes cause blight?
I've planted them quite a few times, and they work well. I use the ones grown in Palmer by the Vanderweeles.

Its fine to plant local taters, but if they came from out of state, they have been sprayed to reduce sprouting ( does not work all that well) because they can be carriers of blight.
There was an outbreak a few years ago, and it was traced to out of state store bought taters that had been planted in local gardens.

Interesting, so a potato that doesn't have eyes can still be carrying blight and pass it on once it's at.... what stage?
Its fine to plant local taters, but if they came from out of state, they have been sprayed to reduce sprouting ( does not work all that well) because they can be carriers of blight.
There was an outbreak a few years ago, and it was traced to out of state store bought taters that had been planted in local gardens.

Interesting, so a potato that doesn't have eyes can still be carrying blight and pass it on once it's at.... what stage?

All taters have eyes

The potatoes are sprayed with a sprouting retardant, but, the potatoes can still sprout.
Anyone with a green thumb can attest to the fact that its hard to not plant a sprouted potato.
But unless those potatoes come from a certified blight free source, the plants that spring up have the potential of spreading blight, if they are carriers.
I did not buy seed potatoes last year, but I did make sure to plant local ones.
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Well we have to give credit to a couple of different folks, if it wasn't for Tori when I lost my pullet way back when I wouldn't have had any Dellies!

If Rachel can't set you up with more. I have one other person I can contact to see if they still have Dellies, that has some of my chicks. I'd be happy to check for you!

Awww, you're welcome.
I only have two girls left, and they're in my sexlink pen for now. But they're going on 2 years old, so I probably won't have them much longer.

Clouds are moving in down here, ladies and gentlemen... maybe some more snow coming in the next day or so?

Clyde, I just talked to them. They only have girls left, no roosters.....Wish I could have been more help!

Tori, its absolutely beautiful up here. 15 above and not a cloud in the sky.... I sure hope we get dumped on...get it over with, come on spring!
How do the store bought potatoes cause blight?
I've planted them quite a few times, and they work well. I use the ones grown in Palmer by the Vanderweeles.

Its fine to plant local taters, but if they came from out of state, they have been sprayed to reduce sprouting ( does not work all that well) because they can be carriers of blight.
There was an outbreak a few years ago, and it was traced to out of state store bought taters that had been planted in local gardens.

Gotcha! I'm not a fan of out of state potatoes, but that's a good thing to know!
Thank you
Let us know how the hatching goes!!

I will I love hatching time.

So dose anyone have quail? I have some questions about mine. I have been feeding them game bird grower. That is what the guy I got the eggs from was telling me to feed them. But yesterday I got my first I guess you would call it a soft shell egg. really it was a no shell egg. Only the membrane and no shell around it. Today I got another one. I am guessing they need more calcium in there diet and was wondering what everyone els was feeding there quail. I though about getting oyster shells to feed free choice to them but that will have to what tell tomorrow when the feed store is open. I did not want to do that though unless i had to cause the oyster shells in the bag i saw was so much bigger then there normal food and was thinking they might have a problem eating it. My other thought was to mix my chicken layer food with there game bird food so they would get the calcium out of that. There protien intake would be lower but they are not growing anymore so I think it would be ok
. So any of you guys that have quail out there feel free to chime in and help a newb out.
Are these Coturnix? How old are they? If they're over a year old, this can be a common occurrence. I feed gamebird grower, too, and supplement with freeze-dried meal worms and a seed mixture for finches. I have never given them extra calcium, and have only had a few hens that lay soft eggs.
Darn. Well, Sandhill taunts they have some nice dellies. When able, I may just need to try them. They are sold out for this year. :O( Next will be fine.

Thanks again Deb. Say, Jesse did not settle my first AI attempt on her. Seems she has this time. Keep our fingers crossed/prayers going. If she has, she's do in May. Anyway, tell Jim I will have gilts as soon as possible!!! Lulu, other girl, was bred the same time. Hopefully they both have some nice piglets for us all. :O) I will keep you updated.

How are the Flems? Momma is doing great, retired and loving it!!! :O) Looking for a nice doe. Any ideas? :O)

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