Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Are these Coturnix? How old are they? If they're over a year old, this can be a common occurrence. I feed gamebird grower, too, and supplement with freeze-dried meal worms and a seed mixture for finches. I have never given them extra calcium, and have only had a few hens that lay soft eggs.

Ok well I feel a little better then cause I was not 100% sure that the game bird grower was the right stuff to be feeding them. They are Jumbo Brown and Golden Coturnix Im not sure how old they are but we ate the brothers and sisters for thanksgiving I think I got the eggs for my b-day in september so they should be coming up on 6 mouths.​
How's everyone's egg production doing now? Let us know the number of hens that you know are laying and how many eggs you're getting?

I have at least 20 that SHOULD be laying and I'm getting 4-10 eggs a day.
30? hens, and 17-22 eggs per day.

We are feeding green hay to supplement ours. That seemed to help a great deal.
The hay is like lawn grass that has been dried.
Ok I need help I went out to check on my chickens and do some cleaning and I have a chicken that is sucking. She/he was the one that was fighting with the other chickens a while back. She tore her foot and I had been keeping an eye on it and making sure it was healing ok but had not checked on it in a week I thought we where bast the danger stage. My son normally dose the chicken chores in the morning and at night so is dark. Well I kicked them out side to clean and in the light I can see her foot really well and its bad. the poor baby is really infected. This is my first sick bird so I dont know what to do any ideas? please help.




As you can tell she lost the nail and first part of her tow but was getting around just fine. The skin had healed up around it and was doing fine. So the question now is am I going to have to put her down? If I do being that her foot is like that is she still safe to eat? if not is she safe to feed to the dogs? Man this sucks I hate having a sick animal it makes me feel like crud.
I'm only guessing but it looks like she might have got frost bite on that foot after it healed?

Are you able to keep her inside the coop, close the door on them for a few days so that she stays warm? If so I'd soak it a little in warm water to see if you cant get the
swelling down a bit.
It looks like frostbite.
Do you have a have a dog kennel that she can go in to stay in the house?
Its not going to get better outside.
You really think it is frostbite? The chicken coop is insulated and heated to some degree. I have a light in there that keeps the temp in the 40's to 50's though it dose get down to the 30's sometimes. I guess it could be possible that the cold could be seeping up though the floor. I was not thinking frostbite but a belated infection do to her old injury. Ok so keep her inside humm that might be ok will have to try and come up with some place to put her. Will try and soak her foot though I have never given a bird a foot bath.

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