All 8 eggs hatched!! (PIC)


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 10, 2012
Great Plains
My black aussie hen decided to sit on some eggs, most of which were hers (I am thinking maybe at least 6 were) and they all hatched last friday! They have a black aussie dad and then there is one RI Red chick too. My 2 daughters are so excited and really enjoying them!

**Angela @ Sweet Valley Farm (in the Midwest where it's hotter than hot right now!).....with 2 horses, 2 yellow labs, 21 chickens + 8 new chicks, 6 kitty cats, 2 daughters (Amelia 10, Sophia 7), & a partridge in a pear tree! **
~*~And can't forget my wonderful husband of 17 years who helps me out with my little zoo. ~*~

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