******ALL ABOARD! We're looking to start an EGG TRAIN!*******

Oh and I meant to ask if anyone near Midland, TX would be heading to or near FL anytime soon? I'm wanting to get ahold of some of those silkie americaunas or some hatching eggs. The eggs are very fragile and haven't had a good hatch rate through the mail.
Good Morning DragonEggs!!!!
Thanks for your reply!! The ducklings I'm referring to are now about 10 days old and survived being hatched by a wonderful person(another Kathy) in Orlando after the mother duck was killed by a predator. The miracle of the story is that all 6 ducklings actually hatched(in a LG incubator, yet......smile). So I'm looking to adopt at least 2 of the little darlings. October is a long way off for the ducklings....but maybe there are hatching eggs en route.
Nava, I'd love to buy some of your Blue NN'S if they're still laying by October!!! I've had mediocre luck with shipped eggs. Maybe you could bring some to NY with you?!?
Thanks !!!! Have a wonderful day!!!!
I still need to get eggs to Terry, but I think I'm just going to find a breeder closer to her. First I need to know what she really wants.

I was going to send her the EEs, but my roo is gone now. He was just to rough with my hens and with people, so he's free ranging with a lot more hens.

I know she loves Silkies, but I haven't had mine very long and they are PQ I'm sure, so don't want to do that either.

Did everyone notice I updated the members page? Finally

I can't wait till I can get a new pc. This is so hard to do with this thing.

We need a lot more states covered and lots of Coordinators. I can't even pm very often or email, so I'm hoping everyone is bareing with me.

I really am trying to make a go of this, but then again it is still soooo new, so I think we'll finally get it working better before too long.
I can do that, are you going to the swap at sonew123 ?
and I hope that they are still laying too!!!!
I'll be going down I - 95

You mean, you're driving to Nat's in October???????? Oh, wow, you are such a trooper!!!!!!!!!!!

hey if there is any snow, you can forget about it, I don't do well on snow

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