All about Amberlinks!

nuttyredhead wrote:
So do we know what Amberlinks are a cross of? I was confused with the info earlier in the post!

From my understanding a Amberlink is a cross of White Rock rooster over New Hampshire hens. This accounts for the white hens with red spots. The cockerals are mostly white also but will get red in the neck, back, and wing feathers.
I thought it might...


Thanks for the great information!!

nuttyredhead wrote:
So do we know what Amberlinks are a cross of? I was confused with the info earlier in the post!

From my understanding a Amberlink is a cross of White Rock rooster over New Hampshire hens. This accounts for the white hens with red spots. The cockerals are mostly white also but will get red in the neck, back, and wing feathers.

I would think that like color sexable sex link chicks, there are probably several ways to make them, but if they are feather sexable as chicks, you have to have a fast feathering breed roo on a slow feathering breed hen, and in the case of Amberlinks, you have to have dominant white which give them their color.
Here's some updated pics of my Roo! He's 13 weeks old!



The ones I took of the pullets didn't come out! Guess I'll have to try again!

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Thanks, he's getting there!
Believe it or not he covered his first pullet today! Their between 15 - 19 weeks old! And he's 15 weeks old. I didn't think they started that young. Geez he hasn't even crowed yet!!

Thanks, he's getting there!
Believe it or not he covered his first pullet today! Their between 15 - 19 weeks old! And he's 15 weeks old. I didn't think they started that young. Geez he hasn't even crowed yet!!


By covered do you mean try to mount? Scooby did this last week, started grabbing the ladies my the necks while trying to get on....fresh roo.... he is 13 weeks tuesday!
Yep, exactly what I mean and he wasn't just trying either!! Loved the pics of yours. My roo keeps getting more darker spots on him so I can't wait to see what he looks like when he's finished all his growing!! One of my females looks like she's getting some darker spots!! Isn't it amazing how different they all look from each other??


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