ALL GONE! --- VEGGIE SEEDS! ----ALL GONE! No More Seeds Left----

Ms. D your pm is full again so i e-mailed my address to ya, thank you for your giving heart.
I have the following left:

1 Stowell's Evergreen sweet white corn
1 Top Crop green bush bean
2 Dwarf Grey Sugar peas
1 Scarlet Runner bean

Want something?
Hi there! I would love to try some new veggies. If they are still available, I'd like to have some dwarf grey sugar peas and some scarlet runner beans. I just moved this year, so I just started a garden. I will try to round up a few seeds for you. Do you wear jewelry? I am a jewelry designer and I could send you some earrings as a "thank you."
STG... the SR beans and the DG sugar peas are YOURS! Yay!

Send me your address by PM. I will ship this on Monday.

As for jewelry, I don't wear earrings (serious metal allergy in ears), but a necklace or bracelet would be so very cool! And if you are going to do that, I'm throwing in some Cosmic Purple carrots, too
I would love a pack of seeds if you still have any left...just in case I will pm you with my address. I also have either some marigold or white radish seeds I could trade for vegetable or herb seeds.

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