All my crazy projet ideas!

Here's the big batch of chicks that hatched! I will say, even though I didn't get as many chicks as I first thought, I'm quite pleased with the babies that hatched.
All the different colors that hatched are well worth it.
I got:
6 Seramas
6 Crele
3 BB red's
8 Blue red cross colors
Here's how the silver duckwing are looking.


I'm very pleased with how they're looking, one of the SDW pullets is getting close to lay.

I'm going to separate the cockerel so he can fill out. I want him to be fully grown before I breed him.
So, in the mean time, I'll put all the pullets with this cock. Then I can get 50%/50% splits. (Half BB red, and half SDW)
BB red cockerel - #1.
I'm liking this guy quite a bit. His stance looks pretty good and his tail angle looks way nice.
I just need to see how dark his plumage is and make sure he doesn't get a white ear lobe, and if he doesn't, he earned himself a place in my breeding project.

BB red cockerel - #2.
I'm think the same thing about this guy as the one pictured above.

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