All my fowl sneezing! Anyone know what it is?


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2017
Mountain Home AR
So, I recently got a turkey poult that was sneezing. I tried to quarantine it, but last night my ducklings started sneezing. This morning my full grown turkeys are sneezing, and my full grown ducks. I can't tell if the guineas or chicken are. I also normally get 20 eggs a day, and I got 5 the past two days. I had a chicken randomly die on Saturday, and I'm wondering if it might be connected? If anyone has any ideas on this that would be so helpful! Thanks!
So, I recently got a turkey poult that was sneezing. I tried to quarantine it, but last night my ducklings started sneezing. This morning my full grown turkeys are sneezing, and my full grown ducks. I can't tell if the guineas or chicken are. I also normally get 20 eggs a day, and I got 5 the past two days. I had a chicken randomly die on Saturday, and I'm wondering if it might be connected? If anyone has any ideas on this that would be so helpful! Thanks!
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I'm sorry for your loss.

Can you take one or two to the vet? There are a few contagious respiratory illnesses that can affect all fowl, something like Mycoplasma could be the culprit, but without testing there's no way to know for sure.

Is sneezing the only symptom that you see in your flock(s)? Most respiratory illnesses are accompanied by mucous and watery eyes with discharge. Antibiotics can help with any secondary infections, but won't cure the illness.
No other signs, and I had a chick start sneezing this morning. I have no vet around that I can go to. I've determined that I think it either fowl pox or Mg. No other discharge or symptoms. I have no idea what to do.
No other signs, and I had a chick start sneezing this morning. I have no vet around that I can go to. I've determined that I think it either fowl pox or Mg. No other discharge or symptoms. I have no idea what to do.
Since you are seeing no other symptoms - just sneezing, check to make sure there is no mold/mildew and the they area(s) they are living in have adequate ventilation. Some respiratory irritations include mold, dusty feed and bedding, build up ammonia from feces due to poor ventilation, etc., so your problem could be environmental.

Without having other symptoms, it's hard to know what the cause is, you can try something like VetRx to see if there is any improvement. Antibiotics, imho, would be the last resort since they have no symptoms that would be associated with secondary infection.

With Fowl Pox, it's possible there could be a little sneezing if it's the wet form, but you would see lesions/scabs (somewhat oozing) on the face, combs, wattles and most likely plaques/canker inside the beak. Dry form of Fowl Pox, is generally not associated with sneezing, but you would also see scabs on the face, combs, wattles. Both forms of Fowl Pox are usually transmitted by mosquitoes and is quite common in spring, summer and fall. Wet Form may need medications, but Dry Form will usually resolve itself in a few weeks.

MG is possible, but it usually presents with more symptoms as well - thick mucous from the nostrils and watery/bubbly eye discharge, facial and eye swelling, coughing, gasping and gurgling while breathing are a few additional symptoms you may see.
Since you are seeing no other symptoms - just sneezing, check to make sure there is no mold/mildew and the they area(s) they are living in have adequate ventilation.  Some respiratory irritations include mold, dusty feed and bedding, build up ammonia from feces due to poor ventilation, etc., so your problem could be environmental.

Without having other symptoms, it's hard to know what the cause is, you can try something like VetRx to see if there is any improvement.  Antibiotics, imho, would be the last resort since they have no symptoms that would be associated with secondary infection.

With Fowl Pox, it's possible there could be a little sneezing if it's the wet form, but you would see lesions/scabs (somewhat oozing) on the face, combs, wattles and most likely plaques/canker inside the beak.  Dry form of Fowl Pox, is generally not associated with sneezing, but you would also see scabs on the face, combs, wattles.  Both forms of Fowl Pox are usually transmitted by mosquitoes and is quite common in spring, summer and fall.  Wet Form may need medications, but Dry Form will usually resolve itself in a few weeks.

MG is possible, but it usually presents with more symptoms as well - thick mucous from the nostrils and watery/bubbly eye discharge, facial and eye swelling, coughing, gasping and gurgling while breathing  are a few additional symptoms you may see.

Do you think it could be allergies? All the cedar tress where I live just released a deluge of pollen. Alot of humans on this area are sneezing too. I checked all my hundred fowl, and no sign of fowl pox, wet or dry. Its weird that only one of my ducklings is sneezing, but it has started a little runny nose. And, my turkey poult has shared a bin for week with a baby bantam,the turkey sneezing the whole time, and the bantam isnt. Only one of my full grown turkeys is sneezing, and I have four. Only one of my 20 chicks is sneezing. It's not very consistant...
This morning my big and only tom was dead. I'm thinking it must be fowl pox. He has some small sores in his mouth. If I posted pics would that help?
This morning my big and only tom was dead. I'm thinking it must be fowl pox. He has some small sores in his mouth. If I posted pics would that help?

I'm so sorry to hear about your tom. Yes, if you can post some photos that may be helpful. Sores in the mouth could be canker or wet form of Fowl Pox.

Those are the sores. He died choking on thick mucous.This just makes me so sad. He's my first tom, and my first turkey, and my first fowl in general. Do you think I'm likely to lose more?
Sorry for your loss.
Doesn't look like pox or canker. Can you do a partial necropsy and show us what the inside of his trachea looks like?
Sorry for your loss.
Doesn't look like pox or canker. Can you do a partial necropsy and show us what the inside of his trachea looks like?
I cannot. We buried him right after I took these pictures. If it's not pox or canker, what could it be? If you can't tell this is my first time with chickens have illness...

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