All My Questions About Quail


Feb 28, 2021
I'm going to continue to put my questions about quail in here, so that I don't clog BYC up too much. I'd really appreciate responses. I'll be new to keeping quail once we get our first batch.

Can quail fly away?
If so, how do I let them free range? Even when we let the older girls out to free range, we were strict about getting them back in when night fell. If we let the quail free roam in the garden (fenced-in area) and put their coop inside, and made sure they were back in it by night, would it be okay? (The garden isn't much of a garden, it's okay if they destroy what's left of it. It got wrecked by the last round of ducks, actually 🙂)

Is Cortunix a good breed?
It seemed hardy, and like a good breed for a beginner. I did a lot of research on it, but I'd still like to know if it's an overall good breed for someone who's never had quail.

What coop?
The enormous coop in the pasture is getting full-ish. We'll probably get four Silkie pullets in it soon, along with two ducklings and three chicks, and we already have three ducks and eight adult chickens in it. I don't think four quail would fit, and they'd probably get bullied, and most importantly, quail are known for picking up diseases from other birds. Ours are healthy, as far as we know, but I don't want to take any risks. Would Marshy's old coop- after a huge cleaning- work? It's small. It has an "attic" above the bigger area below. Since quail are small, I'm pretty sure it could fit them, but I'm not sure. Since I can't get pictures onto this computer :(, I'll measure it tomorrow so you have an idea of what it's like.

Are the males aggressive?
Roosters can be, but are male quail aggressive? I'm not asking for exact answers (all birds are different, it's part of why I like them so much) but judging on experiences, please tell me how your male quail have done.

What feed?
This is my last question for now (I'm sorry this was so long). What feed is best for quail? Pine shavings for bedding, and I read about as many quail infections and sicknesses as I could find, but I didn't find suggestions for feed. Please tell me if you have any ideas!

Thank you!
Let's see...

Yes, your quail can and will fly away. You don't free range them for that reason and also because everything likes to eat quail.

Quail don't go home to roost like chickens do, so you're better off having them in an enclosed pen with places to hide. They'll settle wherever they feel like it at night.

Quail are ground birds, so they're not going to roost or use a second story. Some people use rabbit hutches or that style of cage. I keep mine in 20 square foot pens on the ground. They need at least one square foot per bird, more is better.

Males can be aggressive. The ideal group is one male with three to five females. If you have more than one male in the group, one is likely to get scalped or killed.

For chicks, you want a high (28%) protein game bird starter. As they get older, they don't need as much protein, so when they're fully adult, you can feed them layer feed.

You might take a look at the articles and ask any questions you still have afterwards. :)

Edit: Coturnix are probably the best species for a beginner. They are hardy and the most domesticated.
Courtaix quail are hardy i have 1 male 6 females ideal ratio is 1 male to 3 or 5 females yes most time more then one male will fight i had to rehome one of mine due to this yes quail can fly i recommend not free ranging them as u probs wont see them again they prefer to be on ground level ...mine dont like being shut in at nite so no coop just an aviary on slabs to avoid predators. Quails need higher protein esp for first 6 weeks some kinda game or turkey crumb to start with if young. This is just from my own personal experience hope helps
Sam xx
Let's see...

Yes, your quail can and will fly away. You don't free range them for that reason and also because everything likes to eat quail.

Quail don't go home to roost like chickens do, so you're better off having them in an enclosed pen with places to hide. They'll settle wherever they feel like it at night.

Quail are ground birds, so they're not going to roost or use a second story. Some people use rabbit hutches or that style of cage. I keep mine in 20 square foot pens on the ground. They need at least one square foot per bird, more is better.

Males can be aggressive. The ideal group is one male with three to five females. If you have more than one male in the group, one is likely to get scalped or killed.

For chicks, you want a high (28%) protein game bird starter. As they get older, they don't need as much protein, so when they're fully adult, you can feed them layer feed.

You might take a look at the articles and ask any questions you still have afterwards. :)
Sorry didnt see ur answers how similar 😁😁
Thank you!

Since I think now that Marshy's time-out coop might be a bit small, would it be better if I put a roof on the garden, and a lot more mesh on it's walls? Maybe even wood? And I could keep Marshy's coop in there in case they want it. The garden is really big. With a roof and walls, would it work for them? (With pine shavings, and more grass, and feeders, and a supervised waterer.)
We have coyotes, and birds of prey, maybe bears and/or foxes. We've only gotten coyotes, and a few birds of prey. What would I put on the roof for that?
We have coyotes, and birds of prey, maybe bears and/or foxes. We've only gotten coyotes, and a few birds of prey. What would I put on the roof for that?
You might consider part solid and the rest 1/2" hardware cloth.

I'm sure you also have rats. You might have 'possums and raccoons too. Cats, domestic or feral, same with dogs. They all like to eat quail.
I have some questions about the brooder, too. I want to be prepared. :)

Do quail need different heat lamps?
The ducklings and the chicks have them, but do quail need different ones? If so, how many?

What size should the brooder be?
The ducklings have a large brooder, the chicks have a smaller one but will get the duckling's once they go to the coop. What would work for the quail?

Dust bathing
I read that you should put dirt/sand in with the quail for dust bathing. Should I?

Is it okay for the quail to be near the other birds?
We have the chicks and ducklings in the currently empty kitten fostering area. The quail won't go with them. A, there isn't room and B, I read that quail always get diseases from other birds. Should I put them all the way across the shop and wash my hands and change my clothes between handling, or is that not enough?

Thank you! Answers would be very much appreciated :).
I raise my quail with a red bulb lamp as this reportedly keeps them from getting aggressive with one another as chicks, and it isn’t so harsh on their eyes as a white bulb is.

Brooder size depends on how many you hatch... I like to give mine extra space though because they can overcrowd and also give them cool spots and warm spots so they can thermoregulate. They grow incredibly fast and will be nearly full size in four weeks if on high protein feed, but can’t really go outdoors unless it is very warm until around four weeks when they are fully feathered.

I did offer dust baths to my first ever batch while still in the brooder—it’s very messy unless you lightly moisten the soil (fine soil or peat moss works best) and they grow so fast that it isn’t necessary. If you are prepared for a mess or can make a container that won’t get dust everywhere then it can be introduced pretty early if you want, around two weeks. Dust bathing helps them bond with one another and relax.

Do wash your hands after handling other birds and messes, it seems like you have a good plan for keeping them separate. I’m not sure if you need to do anything more than what you mentioned.

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