All right I took the chicken plunge and ordered chicks, now I am freaking out...

Just don't worry about those strange people without chickens. If they knew what we do they would. Few of us live on farms, that's why it's BYC. What you haven't already picked up reading the forums you can ask. We were all new at this.
I was a nervous nelly to, mine are just 9 weeks old today, and honestly, the minute I got them, I thought, jeez why was I so nervous?? LOL..
Kind of glad to hear someone else freaking out. Hahaha! We just got our very first flock four weeks ago. I wish I had found this group prior to getting them. I'm sure I did a lot wrong the first couple of days but they are still alive and doing well. You are much further along than I was. We too live in a urban neighborhood. Total suburbia with a ton of retirees which has completely stressed me out now about any sound coming from my yard in the future. So now that they are thriving I worry about hen noise and possible roo's. But I really enjoy them and you will too! They totally crack me up with their antics. Enjoy!! Can't wait to hear about them in the future! What did you order?
Ok, my babies came in! Four Australorps, and two mystery chicks
They are so cute the way they just fall down and go to sleep!
When my chicks came in, my now 5 year old son pulled up a cot and sleeping bag and slept next to them in the basement. Good luck.
Ok, my babies came in! Four Australorps, and two mystery chicks
They are so cute the way they just fall down and go to sleep!

I love Australorps... I have one pullet, Blackie (I know, I know, really original). She's so sweet, that yesterday she was freaking that other chickens were chasing her and she flew from my feet to my shoulder and wouldn't budge. She's the only one that prefers me to pick her up. LOVES to be held. I liked her so much I ordered 17 Australorps that are now 3 weeks old in my garage!

You will love that breed!
Good luck. You'll be fine!
Thank you! I did alot of research on breeds before I decided on the Australorp... Today they are more comfortable in the brooder and a little more flighty, but hopefully they will get used to me soon... I so want them to be tame!
I have my hands in the brooder often, and they have gotten to the point now, at 3 weeks old, that they run over and peck at my hands to see what I've brought them. They have become eating monsters!

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