All Wet


In the Brooder
12 Years
Aug 3, 2007
Tacoma, WA
We live in the North West and the rainy season is upon us. When I come home in the afternoon all of my chickens are outside soaking wet. I have a large covered run where the food and water is kept, but for some reason they prefer to be out in the rain. Do I need to be worried? They are truly soaked.
I really don't know but I do know that when my chickens were younger...under laying eggs age...they didn't seem to have the sense to come in out of the rain. Now they are 7 months old and run for cover when it rains. I don't know if this is normal behavior or not?
lol i got some chicks about 8 weeks old that saw the first rain last was about 65 degrees now its about 35 lol .
Yeppers. Not a big deal. Our chickens, the older ones anway, come in out of the rain. The young ones, if they aren't following the lead of the older ones, will sometimes venture out into it.

What is funny is when you see little chicken footprints in the snow!
Well, I think that there are SOME small things in HARD rain that coupld get a chickens sick, but it's not good for them to be cold--- big no-no! I know that Orpington's feathers should NOT get wet-- it's very bad for the bird. But unless you have an orp, you should be just fine.
Wait a minute! This post is three years old?? WOOPS!

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