Allow me to introduce myself...

Marlena Marlee

In the Brooder
Jul 8, 2018
Good evening, I am happy to be here.
My name is Marlena Marlee and I’m head over heels in love with my chickens. I grew up with chickens and have missed chicken life. Well, I am 38 now & have my very own flock of 6. My flock includes 2 Silkies, 2 Easter Eggers and 2 Barred Rock chicks. They are still young, but I am hoping for all hens. So far, no crowing.
One of my Barred Rock chicks, Martha Stewart, is my Soul Chicken. She is super affectionate and loves to be held. I couldn’t be happier.
I am looking forward to learning and sharing with all of you.
- MM
Welcome! What a cute bully! I have a pug (Wasabi), but my brother has a English bulldog puppy (Winston). They are so sweet.
I totally understand what you mean by soul chicken. When I went to the feed store to pick out my flock, I had my heart on getting a Welsummer. The attendant handed me a calico princess in accident and she immediately stopped cheeping, snuggled down and fell asleep. I was gone! Until then I wasn't really sold on birds as pets as all my pets before were furry but she stole my heart.:love

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