Aloha from the Big Island, Hawaii

from Louisiana! Glad you joined!
I would love to raise turkey poults. I used to have 75 poults. I love turkeys. I bought some from Sears when I lived in Oklahoma. I had some problems with them getting sick. I used medicated food to cure them. The turkey growers had their's given shots by a vet. I had the turkeys that look like the ones we have here. They are more hearty than the white ones. I had 25 whites and 50 bronze turkeys. I had them for 4 years. I had to move from Oklahoma to California and left them with a friend. I lost about 10 in all mostly the white ones. Turkeys have a strict pecking order. If you wear red above their heads they will attack you provided you are not the big tom in there eyes. I was the big Tom of my turkeys. They loved me and would dance around me strutting and making a noise they made when they were poults. They trusted me and followed me when I came out to feed them. I would get on my knees and the hens would come close to me so I would pet them. Then they laid these big eggs, thinking I had made them fertile. The Toms and hens were so very sweet. People would come for miles to see me with my turkeys. They would marvel how tame they were, yet if they were to come into the yard the turkeys would chase them out, even spurring them. My wife and daughter were also accepted into the yard as long as they did not wear red like a red shirt or scarf. Red is the sign of authority and only the head tom could have his head the highest. Then each bird was successively lower. Aside from that I would say it was very enjoyable to own and raise turkeys. Their eggs are milder than chicken eggs, have less cholesterol and were better tasting. They only lay and egg every other day. It is very unusual to be able to get turkey eggs. I had 25 hens and would get 12 eggs every day. I had to put then into a roost every night or they would fly up on the barn. I would love to get some turkeys poults and start over here in Hawaii. People say they are stupid birds but I say so is a human baby. When turkeys get older they are very smart. They were all pets to me but I did eat the eggs. I do not know if the worms from chickens would hurt them but I had no chickens with them. In Oklahoma coyotes and bob cats would kill them if you did not protect them. The only protection was a good heavy high fence, and keeping them in a heavy duty covered roost. Here cats may try to get them and mongoose also. I have given up looking for turkey poult to raise. I have tried to buy them but there are none to be had. They will not allow them to be shipped in. The only hope would be to domesticate a wild Hawaiian Turkey.
Victor Ritchie
I live on the Big Island Hawaii. I am looking to buy Turkeys or their poults.

I would love to raise turkey poults. I used to have 75 poults. I love turkeys. I bought some from Sears when I lived in Oklahoma. I had some problems with them getting sick. I used medicated food to cure them. The turkey growers had their's given shots by a vet. I had the turkeys that look like the ones we have here. They are more hearty than the white ones. I had 25 whites and 50 bronze turkeys. I had them for 4 years. I had to move from Oklahoma to California and left them with a friend. I lost about 10 in all mostly the white ones. Turkeys have a strict pecking order. If you wear red above their heads they will attack you provided you are not the big tom in there eyes. I was the big Tom of my turkeys. They loved me and would dance around me strutting and making a noise they made when they were poults. They trusted me and followed me when I came out to feed them. I would get on my knees and the hens would come close to me so I would pet them. Then they laid these big eggs, thinking I had made them fertile. The Toms and hens were so very sweet. People would come for miles to see me with my turkeys. They would marvel how tame they were, yet if they were to come into the yard the turkeys would chase them out, even spurring them. My wife and daughter were also accepted into the yard as long as they did not wear red like a red shirt or scarf. Red is the sign of authority and only the head tom could have his head the highest. Then each bird was successively lower. Aside from that I would say it was very enjoyable to own and raise turkeys. Their eggs are milder than chicken eggs, have less cholesterol and were better tasting. They only lay and egg every other day. It is very unusual to be able to get turkey eggs. I had 25 hens and would get 12 eggs every day. I had to put then into a roost every night or they would fly up on the barn. I would love to get some turkeys poults and start over here in Hawaii. People say they are stupid birds but I say so is a human baby. When turkeys get older they are very smart. They were all pets to me but I did eat the eggs. I do not know if the worms from chickens would hurt them but I had no chickens with them. In Oklahoma coyotes and bob cats would kill them if you did not protect them. The only protection was a good heavy high fence, and keeping them in a heavy duty covered roost. Here cats may try to get them and mongoose also. I have given up looking for turkey poult to raise. I have tried to buy them but there are none to be had. They will not allow them to be shipped in. The only hope would be to domesticate a wild Hawaiian Turkey.
Victor Ritchie
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