Altering Pecking Order - isolating the top hen?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 31, 2009
Plymouth, Ma
I have 7 hens: 4 cochins and 3 plymouth rocks - all but one (a red cochin) have bare butts and feathers gone from the base of their tail. No blood, still laying and acting normal. My local Agway suggested that I seperate the one that is apparently doing this (the one that has all her feathers intact, and does NOT have a bare butt!)...she's about the only one who goes broody every once in a while too (with no rooster) - so the Agway person (who has 60+ chickens) said she is probably the dominant one...

She is suggesting that we separate her from her friends for a bit and then reintroduce her - it'll upset the pecking order and might change things up a bit.

My question is - how do I separate her? What do I put her in? We could bring her into the garage in a pen I guess. Have you done this? Has it worked? Pictures of set-ups would be great. If she's not being broody, I guess we'd need to give her something to nest in, right?

Thanks in advance!

Yes seperate her. Use a dog crate, pen, what-have-you, as long as it's predator safe and big enough for her to move around in. Keep her out for several days, a week if possible. She needs an attitude adjustment.
So, you mean take her out of the coop altogether - bring her into the garage in a crate? That's what I'm assuming. Thanks - will work on doing this tomorrow. She DOES need an attitude adjustment! Kara
I had a mean old RIR hen that was beating up my little EE hen all the time (the other hens either ran from her or squatted in submission) and I put the RIR hen in a cage in the garage for 2 weeks. It was kinda funny because after 3 days she grew accustomed to the special attention she was getting and liked staying in the cage. At the end of the second week, I put her back out with the others and the tables were turned, the EE hen was chasing her lol. The old RIR hen ended up about in the middle of the pecking order after it was all said and done. You can probably find a cage on craigslist. I put cardboard inside the bottom of it, newspaper on top of the cardboard,and hay on top of the newspaper.That way they can make a nest and lay an egg or sleep in it. I had a feed trough and waterer in the cage on top of 2 bricks(each),to keep the hay from getting in the feed and water. In the mornings I'd clean the poop up by simply wearing latex gloves and picking it up out of there and replacing soiled hay and/or newspaper as necessary. It was mostly hay that I had to replace. At night, I'd put an old sheet or blanket over the cage to keep mosquitos out. I would like to recommend you watch and make sure you get the right hen when you seperate her. Throw some treats out and when they come to get it, I'm sure you'll see which one is being the bully. Sorry, I dont have a digital camera w/ pics. Even if I did I wouldnt know how to get it in the computer or on this site, I'm not computer literate.

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