Alternate Reality Roleplay ~^~Bring all your best characters here~^~

Alternate Reality Roleplay Characters.

Name: Luna
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Relationships: none
Roleplay(s) from: Created Roleplay (not from this site)
Other Roleplay(s) Powers: ice, ice winds.
Other Roleplay bio(s): Luna is somewhat along the lines of a god. She can still be injured as easily as a human can, however she is immune to disease (not poison), and never ages. She has seen and taken part in many wars, she has seen many wars. Luna is remarkably older than her sister, although she appears only a few years older than her. During the last war, Raya was captured, presumed to be dead. Let us just say Luna almost died more than once saving Raya.
Other: Her sister is Raya, ((not genetic)) has a silver coin that changes into a long sword that she calls Vallas. ((Only with memory back))
Picture/description: I'm working on picks. Strait cut brown, almost black hair, silver blue eyes. A bit under six feet in hight.
User: Dragapacacorn

Name: Raya
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Relationships: None
Roleplay(s) from: Created Roleplay (not from this site)
Other Roleplay(s) Powers: Fire, hot winds
Other Roleplay bio(s): Raya is somewhat along the lines of a god. She can still be injured as easily as a human can, however she is immune to disease (not poison), and never ages. She was captured during the last war, however treated nicely most of the time. She has an ability to understand enemies before they understand themselves.
Other:Her sister is Luna, ((not genetic)) has a golden coin that changes into a long sword that she calls Calaber ((only with memory back.))
Picture/description: ((working on pic)) Short strawberry blond hair, usually in a ponytail, lose wild bangs. 4' 11", argues that it's 5 feet.
Username: Dragapacacorn

Bianca woke up in a bed. she knew her name and nothing else. she rolled of the bed and staggered to the mirrior in the bath. she stared at herself. her red hair was a tangled mess and her emerald eyes were bloodshot. she started brushing her hair distractedly. she felt memories tugging at her but wenever she tried to grasp it it slipped out of her grasp.
((OMG just remembered that one part from the road to el dorado XD best movie ever!))
Luna walked down the road on the sidewalk, glancing at the storefronts. She had her hand in her purse, holding on to her concealed carry as she took a shortcut through an ally, the hairs on the back of her neck bristling.
Wintent was brushing her horse down she was going to strap him back to the carriage in a few minutes. She already had treats and some water ready for the long day ahead of the two.
she finished brushing her hair and then got dressed. she realized she was starving. she looked in the fridge but nothing was there. she found a purse full of money and set off, looking for an eatery. she ran into a girl on the sidewalk while she was again, searching for a thread of her former life.
Wintent was brushing her horse down she was going to strap him back to the carriage in a few minutes. She already had treats and some water ready for the long day ahead of the two.

Wintent strapped Tainted to the carriage and climbed in the front. Couples and families with younger children loved riding in the carriages little kids loved Tainted often mesmerized by the gentle giant. She smiled softly to herself clicking to Tainted as he began walking down the streets his shoed hooves clicking on pavement.

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