Always a hen party raising chickens in Utah!


6 Years
Apr 19, 2013
The weather is always changing in the desert state of Utah. Summers of hot days, cool nights to Winter with its mild days and cold nights, and of corse everything in between.

Having a large family, I decided to raise my peeps and join the hen party to feel more capable, become more self reliant and express my nurturing tendencies. So glad I did- I love being the mother hen and always have!

I'd like to see this thread share group buys and resources in Utah. Also ideas that work with our climate and demographic.

I would love to hear your ideas on how to gear up to winter-over. I want to be more prepared this year.

But since it's still the heart of summer I'll share the girls coolest treat... I've been making them a big Popsicle frozen in a paper bowl ( so easy to pop out of a paper bowl)
I use whatever produce or sprouted grain/ seeds, I have on hand- In the pictures below I started with mealworms and blueberries, added about 1/8 inch of water and put it in the freezer for 15-20 min. Then I added frozen watermelon and chia seed, another 1/8 inch of water and returned to the freezer the last layer was cranberries a little bit of Kombutcha ( for probiotics) and back in the freezer. Hmmm writing this out makes it seem like lots if work but it only took minuets.

Veggie pops with leftover green drink is a favorite too! The girls love it! Let me know what you do to keep your girls entertained.
Thanks for the welcome! I'll check out those sites... I like your waving happy face. Where do I find them to use?
Welcome to BYC! Glad you decided to join our flock. You're chilled treats look delicious. My girls like ice cold watermelon. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. What kind of girls do you have?
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Wow, your dishes look delicious! Love the state of Utah! I traveled the entire state many many year ago and think it is one of the prettiest states in the U.S.!

We have a nice assortment of icons you can use here. Just click on that little smile face in this reply box and a bunch of them will come up in a window.

Enjoy all your adventures and welcome to our flock!
Thanks everyone- i have loved BYC for real info. I have some beautiful feathered friends- my favorites are my Welsummer (Bella) and my Cuckoo Maran (Gurspacho) My other girls are sweet but need to work on earning their keep :)
Hi mamadawn - I think I'm the mama hen x pit bull cross - very protective of family and friends. I love the smilies - especially if I think someone may misread a post of mine. I I will add
to let them know I am kidding. Welcome to BYC glad you joined us.
Thanks everyone- i have loved BYC for real info. I have some beautiful feathered friends- my favorites are my Welsummer (Bella) and my Cuckoo Maran (Gurspacho) My other girls are sweet but need to work on earning their keep

You have some nice chocolate egg layers.

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