Am I a chicken hoarder? :)


8 Years
Apr 22, 2011
West Coast USA
I started out very practically thinking that we would keep 3-4 hens to supply our family with farm fresh eggs. I reasoned that the hens would add to the atmosphere of our small family farm, provide some great compost for our organic garden, and we would enjoy them.

We're a family that loves animals but we've never "collected" them. We've had up to four horses at a time when we only really need two - Actually, we don't NEED any but you know what I mean - but it's always been a temporary, transitional thing. We don't keep expanding our facilities to keep more and more horses.

Chickens are a whole different story. We set out to buy 3-4 laying hens and brought home six instead. The next day we had eight. A week or so later we had 11. And on and on it goes. Recently, I went to our local BYC swap meet, thinking I might buy three more pullets, max, and ended up buying eight! And we've gone from a cute garden-art type coop and run to an actual barn coop that started out being 12'x12'x16' and is now 24'x36'x16'. It seems huge and can accommodate many more chickens, albeit we already have more laying hens and pullets than we need. I like having spacious accommodations for the girls but the thing is, I want to keep adding more!

I'm thinking three more pullets should do it, just three more. (yeah right)

What about you? Do you have a limit or do you keep expanding too? Tell me your story, if you will. I feel like I need to join some sort of support group for chicken addicts! And somebody, PLEASE, tell me I don't need any more chickens. Say it like you mean it.
LOL! Did you intend to have that many or did it kinda creep up on you? And what about the racing pigeon? Will you soon have a flock of those as well? *grins*
I really cant tell you that you dont need more cause I started out with 2 now I have 41 and 7 eggs in the incubator. 6 at a local grade school that should be hatching any day and 1 here at home. I set 9 eggs and only 1 has made it so far. The rest were not fertile. And I am getting 6 more when the breeds I want come into the store I work at. Beside that I have 4 dogs, 8 ducks, 11 rats, 2 hampsters, 2 ball pythons, 2 cockteils, 1 bunny,1 turtle and 2 fish. I wish I had the coop you have, but I have 3 coops and a duck pen. DH says stop we are running out of room.
Hee hee My husband says the same thing but then he happily obliges when I ask for more room and, thankfully, he's got mad skills when it comes to building. I just feel a bit silly. Several people have asked me what I plan to do with all of my hens. I blink and say, "Enjoy them, of course, and eat eggs, share eggs, sell eggs..." But the truth is I have no excuse. I'm just 100% smitten by chickens! You, on the other hand, have your own little zoo! How cool is that?! I love it.
*Stands up and clears throat* Hi, my name is Katy and I'm a chicken addict! THERE, I said it. The thing is, I feel no real desire to curb my addiction...
Its like I can never do anything in moderation.
I have 5 children only 1 left at home. Maybe thats why all the animals Empty nest syndrome??? Hey maybe I could use that excuse on DH. At one point we had 5 dogs but down to 4 after our GSD died of old age. I sure miss that big old girl. The snakes are DH's The rats,hampsters and bunny are DD's. If I had the room cause we live in the city limits and not a lot of land, I would have goats horses and a milk cow. And maybe a tea cup pig.
just wait until you discover incubating...

we started out wanting about 6, so we bought 10 chicks figuring on some losses, then 3 were roosters so we got 5 more chicks, then when they grew up one of the hens actually went broody and added 6 all on her own, then i wanted cochins but nobody was selling any nearby so i bought an incubator and eggs, just hatched 4, then the guy i got the eggs from gave me a dozen more because my hatch was kinda poor but i'd already re-filled the incubator with mutts so i had to buy ANOTHER incubator and while at the store to get that, i saw they had SLW and just had to get 4, and now i've got 24 eggs in the original incubator plus 35 ready to go in the new one. chicken math is real

but, i don't consider it hoarding unless you're genuinely unable to care for the birds you have and are likewise unwilling to part with any. i'm not expecting all my eggs to hatch, and the extras will be sold (and pay for the food for the keepers!) and my adults are well cared for. so nyah.
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Yes incubation is addictive too. I have hatched out 50+ chicks this last winter sold most of them, and 9 ducks so far have sold 1 drake and will sell some more drakes as soon as I figure out which of these are boys. and over the summer last year rehomed about 11 roosters. I have 2 incubators too only right now one is at the school. If you love to incubate get in on the egg swaps here. Thats how I have got some of the chickens I have.
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