Am I a horder

I have plenty of room and I pay for the feed and the housing the chickens were gifts from my grandma but my mom was raised when u just didn't have a pet chicken she think if they don't produce the should go

I gotcha now.....
Well....I'd say it's not a bad thing to cull a few for the freezer.
And keep a few favorites as pets.

I haven't got to the point you are now, am i am sure when mine stop producing it is going to be a very sad decision for me but that being said.... I am pretty sure they will end up on my table to feed my family.
If they lived a nice healthy happy live there really isn't inching wrong with cull them.

So you are saying you have 25 PET chickens that aren't producing eggs?
I gotcha now.....
Well....I'd say it's not a bad thing to cull a few for the freezer.
And keep a few favorites as pets.

I haven't got to the point you are now, am i am sure when mine stop producing it is going to be a very sad decision for me but that being said.... I am pretty sure they will end up on my table to feed my family.
If they lived a nice healthy happy live there really isn't inching wrong with cull them.

So you are saying you have 25 PET chickens that aren't producing eggs?
no I have a few too many roosters I need to cull in my batcholar coop
Should I try to sell them or trade them or just go ahead and eat them

Any of the above.
But i would eat them because they were mine and I would know for sure they ate good and that they were taking care of.

Make sense?

What breed are these roosters and how old are they?
I mean what if you gave them you think these people will take good care of them or cull them for their freezer as soon as they get them?
These roosters are two young Easter eggers and are great free rangers I'd love to re home them there beautiful
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post an ad on here to sell them...see if you have anyone in your area that wants them.
Or you can try craigslist in your area.
Any of the above.

What breed are these roosters and how old are they?


Burdboy, I know exactly what you mean. I don't cull mine either, and most of them are named. But the too many roo issue is something that can't be fixed..... I give mine away with the knowledge they will probably be eaten, and I keep the few that I really like. It's a hard blow to take for a pet chicken keeper, but it can't be fixed. Best of luck!

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