Am I a roo?


14 Years
Feb 8, 2009
Yucaipa, CA

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BO right nope maybe not . What breed is she? Golden sexlink? How old is he or she? Im just getting a handle on this sexing thing and Just curious because I think he looks like a she and Im still trying to decide what clues to look for. Thanks Sandy
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Well no, it's not a good thing. He was supposed to be a she. He'll be on Craig's list within the next day or two.
Oh so it is a Buff Orpington! I thought so at first, then got stumped because of the yellow legs (might just be my computer) and black feathers, mine are girls and have white legs and no black feathers And also something about the face looks alittle different. Do just the girls have white legs and all buff feathers? Might just be a Roo thing. So in retrospect I have decided to go with the flow, Its a boy.
Sorry, I was hoping he would be a girl too! Sandy
Oh so it is a Buff Orpington! I thought so at first, then got stumped because of the yellow legs (might just be my computer) and black feathers, mine are girls and have white legs and no black feathers And also something about the face looks alittle different. Do just the girls have white legs and all buff feathers? Might just be a Roo thing. So in retrospect I have decided to go with the flow, Its a boy.
Sorry, I was hoping he would be a girl too! Sandy

Ooh, now that you mention it, his legs our mighty yellow to be a buff orp. Mine have pinkish pale legs, and I have hens as well with the same color legs so its not a roo thing. Buff rock maybe? They are supposed to be buff with yellow legs. Maybe gold sex link, though very unsure on that one.


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