Am I creating a problem?


15 Years
Sep 30, 2007
I may have to re think where I want to put my rabbitry since I also have goats. While doing my research on rabbits I found there are a lot of diseases that can pass from one to another. The goats pen runs along side where I want to put the rabbits and the goat house is approx 15ft to the side. This is a dry area so there is no water runoff so that's not a concern. I am more thinking about airborne problems and track through since this is a dirt floored area. There is no way I can build up the floor to make it non dirt. Any suggestions or concerns I should know about? And no I do not have another place I can put them permanently. IF I get the rabbits sooner than I had planned they will be housed on my back porch but this is only temporary. I want rabbits but I dont want to endanger my goats.
What diseases can pass from one to the other? Just curious. I have my rabbits, chickens, quail and horses all in the same very small barn. Soon to add sheep or goats to our farm.
I have had rabbits in the barn with goats for years with no probelms. The goats even get under the rabbit hutches and eat spilled pellets and hay.
What can the rabbits spread to the goats? Just curious.

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