Am I forgetting anything ?


In the Brooder
Jan 26, 2015
Frederick Co, MD
I should be able to pick up my chicks next week and want to be sure I have everything ready .
I have my brooder set up . Heat lamp tested to be sure the temps are correct , thermometer , food and water dishes and starter food.

Is there anything I am forgetting?

I am unsure of what bedding to use for the brooder , I know it will be sand outside in the run / coop . The feed store has them on shavings .
grits #1 if you are wanting to feed grains and if they wont be outside for a while, water soluble vitamins for that early boost. Marbles or rocks for your waters (disinfected).

Even if you figure you are not going to use these, it's good to just have them on hand. It's better to be over prepared than under prepared.
Shavings work great. I start with non-colored newspaper, with paper towels on top, and chicken starter in the feeder and scattered on the floor. In a very few days, it's shavings. Works fine. I don't do treats for at least a couple of weeks, then grit and some goodies. They grow very fast, so have them out in the coop, with the heat lamp, in a few weeks. Mary

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