Am I paranoid?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 24, 2010
A place nearby is selling their waterers and feeders. I need to get a larger feeder and waterer, but I'm paranoid of bringing in a disease from another place.

Is it best to just buy these items new?
I scrub off anything caked on, soak in a bucket of bleach and water for about an hour, and then run through the dishwasher.
Bargains! we all love a good bargain! Simply wash those used dishes in some hot, soapy water, then rinse in a mild bleach/water mix & rinse with plain water.
I would scrub with soap and water, really blast them with a spray from a hose to make sure cracks and crevices are cleaned, then take them apart , soak in bleach water for a few hours , rinse well, and then leave in the sun for a few days. Sun is a great sanitizer.

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